Combined WWTP in Frýdlant v Čechách

Frýdlant, Czech Republic

Year of completion:

Slezan Frýdek – Místek a.s.

Project description:
Mechanical and biological plant to treat sanitary wastewater and storm water from the urban areas of the town of Frýdlant in combination with industrial wastewater from Slezan textile mill. Construction of the plant was started in 1992 and the completed plant was put in trial operation in 1996. Its design capacity is 21000 PE.
Mechanical and biological process stage, activated-sludge zone with nitrification and denitrification processes with upstream anaerobic sections for both sewage and textile wastewater. The plant is used to reduce organic load, eliminate efficiently nitrogen and phosphorus and decolorize textile wastewater.

Main technical data:
Wastewater inflow rate
Qd: 5644 m3/d
Wastewater load
Population equivalent: 21 000 PE
BOD5: 1260 kg/d
SS: 810 kg/d
BOD-related treatment efficiency of the plant: 91,1%