languages spoken in mexico pie chart

Publikováno 19.2.2023

Some other native languages in Mexico today are: Chol, Totonaco, Mazateco, Mixteco, Zapoteco, Otomi, Tzotzil and Tzeltal. Some of these languages (Venetian and Plautdietsch) are spoken in isolated communities or villages. In Mexico City and other big cities, quite a few people are fluent in English. Mixe is spoken by almost 140,000 speakers in Oaxaca. There are over 60 different native languages still spoken in Mexico today. Most common languages spoken at home in Australia by number of speakers 2016 U.S. - children who speak another language than English at home 1979-2019 Students with non-English language background . [Online]. While most Spanish words are universal, Mexican slang is a world of its own. For example, Oaxaca City has a large population who speak Mixtec as their first language. This is why a single official language is no longer viable. They all sound like /s/. Most Mexicans would be happy to talk with you in any way possible know that if you want to interact with a local community on a deeper level, learning some basic phrases could make your trip even more memorable! In Spanish, the subjunctive mood is used more often than in Mexican. There are nearly 800,000 people who still speak it, and it is the second most important native language after Nahuatl. The General Law of Linguistic Rights of the Indigenous Peoples considered Spanish as the national language. On top of all these official and unofficial languages, English is also widely spoken throughout Mexico. These common languages and dialects make up what we call the languages of Mexico today. It was the General Law of Linguistic Rights of the Indigenous Peoples, and through this law, the indigenous languages spoken in Mexico were made to be national languages. The closest languages to Mixe are oluteco, sayulteco and tapachulteco, the latter being sadly extinct.. She studied abroad in Spain, has lived in multiple countries, and now calls Mexico home. The Affidavit. Chiapas, Yucatan, and Oaxaca are also essential areas for languages other than Spanish, especially Otomi. Now that you know about all 69 official languages there are in Mexico, why so many? In 1998 its name was changed to Intercultural bilingual education. Hamel, Rainer Enrique. Critics claim that the law's complexity makes enforcement difficult.[10][11][12][13][14]. In a study conducted by the Alliance franaise in 2019 revealed that Mexicans have begun to take a greater interest in studying the French language, with 250,000 people being French speakers and 350,000 learning French. In Spanish, the letter c is always pronounced like the th sound in the word thin. In Mexican Spanish, however, the letter c can be pronounced either as the th sound or as the s sound, depending on the word. 2 French 3 Other Indo-Europe. About 95% of the population speaks Spanish. Mexico is inhabited by about a third of planets Hispanic population. So if youre planning to visit or live in Mexico, understanding what languages are spoken in Mexico can be very helpful! Currently, you are using a shared account. Statista. Stavenhagen, Rodolfo (1990), "Linguistic Minorities and Language Policy in Latin America: The Case of Mexico", in Florian Coulmas (ed. Available:, Mexico: Distribution of languages in 2020, Share of economically active population in Mexico Q1 2017 - Q2 2022, by gender, Mexico: employed population share by status 2015-2021, Share of employment in the informal sector in Mexico Q1 2019-Q2 2022, by gender, Undergraduate studies with the highest unemployment rate in Mexio 2021, Mexico: economically active population 2013-2022, Number of dismissals in Mexico Q1 2022, by cause, Unemployed population in Mexico Q2 2022, by age, Unemployed population in Mexico Q2 2022, by cause, Unemployed population in Mexico Q2 2022, by time in unemployment, Unemployed population in Mexico Q2 2022, by educational level, Unemployment rate in Mexico Q2 2022, by state, Unemployment rate in Mexico Q1 2019-Q2 2022, by gender, Urban open unemployment rate in Mexico 2000-2020, by years of schooling, Youth unemployment rate in Mexico in 2021, Urban open unemployment rate in Mexico 2004-2020, by age, Youth NEET rate in Mexico 2010-2021, by gender, Monthly change in employment in Mexico 2020-2022, Change in employment compared to pre-pandemic levels in Mexico July 2022, by state, Change in level of employment in Mexico Q1 2020-Q2 2022, by educational level, Change in level of formal and informal employment in Mexico 2020-2022, Value of U.S. land imports from Mexico 1994-2020, Public opinion on benefits of NAFTA for the U.S. and Mexico 2017, Mexican machine tool consumption - growth 2015-2020, Total grassland area projection for Mexico, Value of U.S. imports from Mexico 2004-2021, U.S. opinions on vacationing in Mexico 2012, U.S. chemical exports to Mexico 2001-2019, Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports, third-most spoken native language worldwide, the largest number of native Spanish speakers worldwide. In colonial times it took second place of importance after Spanish. The second most common indigenous language is Yucatec Maya, with 759,000 speakers. In the rest of the article, youll learn about the different languages spoken in Mexico, Mexicos official language, and whether or not there are English speakers in Mexico. Languages are spoken in Mexico percentage? It is very close to the Zapotec linguistic grouping. For us, language knows no boundaries. What Is The Meaning of Affidavit in Hindi. Native languages will have same legal force as Spanish. Spanish continues to be used by various local communities, gradually displacing original languages. In 2003, the Mexican Congress approved the General Law of Linguistic Rights of the Indigenous People. There are 1.8 million native speakers of this indigenous language in these states, as well as a large community of Asian descendants who often speak other local native languages like Mixtec or Mazatec. Most people tend to think that Spanish is a sole Mexican language, forgetting, or simply not knowing, about plentiful diverse, rich, and fascinating indigenous languages of Mexico. No surprise there. There are some German-speaking colonies in Pueblo. Currently, Mexico has over 120 million Spanish speakers. Available formats: pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, zip, rar, csv, opn, png, jpeg, gif, jpg. How so? Her tech copywriting business takes her around the world and she is excited to share language tips as part of the Lingoda team. Although Spanish is Mexicos go-to language, especially among youth, its not a daily choice for general Mexican population. What Is Social Media Language and How Does It Differ From English? Only 12% of the population speaks the language, and an even smaller percentage speaks it fluently. It has about 74,000 carriers. Through the General Law of Linguistic Rights of the Indigenous Peoples, the Mexican government recognized the additional 68 languages and did so to preserve these native languages. However you slice it, though, Spanish remains dominant throughout Mexico 95% of Mexicans speak it fluently, and roughly 90% use it regularly when conducting business or speaking with their families. It is runner-up most spoken language in the country. Out of these 68, 63 are native languages. What are the top 3 languages spoken in Mexico? For the Indigenous language sometimes called "Mexicano" or "The Mexican language", see. According to data published by Etnhologue, there are 422 languages spoken in the USA, 216 native and 206 from outside the country. The other two languages have a combined figure of 3.8 million speakers. Although it isnt an official language either, millions of Mexicans are fluent in English because they have learned it at school or through watching American television shows or movies. Another key difference is the use of single informal language. Gail Virtual Reference Library. With a little over 250,000 speakers, it is among Mexico languages spoken in an area that includes part of Puebla and Veracruz and extends from the Sierra Norte de Puebla to the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Then you can access your favorite statistics via the star in the header. In Spanish, verbs are conjugated according to the subject, while in Mexican, they are not. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Many sixteenth-century churchmen studied indigenous languages in order to instruct native peoples in Christian doctrine. This language is a part of the Uto-Aztecan family of languages and is spoken today by 1,376,026 people in Mexico. While Spanish in Spain and Latin America are similar, there are also some significant differences. Since English is spoken by less than 10% of the population, if youre planning on visiting the country, youd better brush up on your Spanish! Mexican Spanish is considered one of the most polite and easy to understand of all Latin American dialects. Due to this situation there have been many language revitalization strategies implemented in order to create a language shift to try to reverse this language shift. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Development of modern Mexico language took a long time. Still, while (British) English is now the dominant language, there remains many other languages that are spoken in . Unfortunately, many of Mexicos indigenous languages are endangered, and the government is trying to preserve them by recognizing them as official languages alongside Spanish. One of the most important differences between Spanish and Mexican grammar is the use of gender. Chinese, Japanese, Telugu, and Hawaiian are all classified here. dialects, are reliable indicators of an enormous Mexicos linguistic and cultural diversity. The 23 languages make up the native. As a result, there are some significant differences between the two languages. If you were a Mexican citizen who spoke Mixteco, for example, you could walk into a government office, ask to be served documents in that language, and the government will comply. So, what language is spoken in Mexico? However, all these languages show us what a rich heritage and culture the country of Mexico has, and all of the efforts to preserve them are certainly praiseworthy. Today bilingualism is still present. It is spoken by over 1,65 million people, mostly throughout central region of Mexico. Some immigrant and indigenous populations are bilingual, while some indigenous people are monolingual in their languages. Known by over 150,000 people. Not many people in Mexico speak English. "[21] The result of the conflict between indigenous languages and Spanish has been a language shift in Mexico from indigenous languages being spoken to more people using Spanish in every domain. The Law of Linguistic Rights establishes Spanish as one of the country's national languages, along with 63 distinct indigenous languages (from seven large families, plus four counted as language isolates). A few hundred speak Cantonese, while a few thousand speak Mandarin. Hungarian, on the other hand, is lumped into "Other Language." ** "Asian Language" includes languages indigenous to Asia and Pacific islands areas that are not also Indo-European languages. The top 3 languages spoken in Mexico are Spanish, Nahuatl and Yucatec Maya. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Spanish is the primary language spoken in Mexico. The Chart. Furthermore, English learning proficiency is low, especially in public schools. It is spoken in Guanajuato, Quertaro, Hidalgo, Puebla, Veracruz, Michoacn, Tlaxcala and Mexico. They are Spanish, Nahuatl, and English. Bender Library. A Mexico dialect is a lingo variant that is specific to a particular community or region. In Spanish, when addressing the second person (if the person is unknown), you would use the verb usted (singular) or ustedes (plural) for formal settings. This initiative is one the Mexican government is using to help preserve the countrys rich culture, a large source of which is its languages. Spanish is the go-to language as its spoken by roughly 94% of the population. Zapotec, Tzeltal Maya, and Tzotzil Maya all have more than 300,000 speakers. The most widely spoken indigenous Mexican dialects today are Nahuatl, Totonac, Mazatec, Mixtec, Zapotec, Otom, Tzotzil, and Mayan. Spaniards pronounce them like a voiceless /th/. According to a recent study, approximately 93.8% of the population in Mexico speaks Spanish as their first language. It is home to many different languages, with Spanish being the most widely spoken. So far, five languages have been made national Mexican languages: Nahuatl (spoken by just over 1 million people), Mixtec (about 300,000), Zapotec (50,000), Tzeltal (just under 30,000), and Tzotzil (10,000). CIA. Millions of Americans speak languages other than English in their homes. Mexican Spanish began to emerge from dialects of Latin Americas indigenous tribes, which changed after conquistadors arrival. She believes that learning how to order a beer in a new language reveals a lot about local culture. It was the native tongue of the Aztecs. How Many Native Languages Are Spoken In Mexico? Ever heard a word in Nahuatl? If you count dialects and variations, the actual number is around 345. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. This marked the beginning of Spanish rule over todays Mexican territory. For example, the word chido describes something cool or awesome. Some other languages that are used sometimes are Italian, Portuguese, French, and Greek, among others. Spanish is the go-to language as it's spoken by roughly 94% of the population. [25], This article is about Languages of Mexico. Another Germanic language that is considered native to Mexico is Plautdietsch which currently has about 40,000 speakers. For example, Cuauhtemoc is a Nahuatl word that means eagle.. These languages come from eleven language families, and the Mexican government actually recognizes 68 national languages. At work, in the public sphere and as part of collective activities, however, it all depends on the context. The first official language of Mexico, however, is Spanish, and its spoken by over 99% of the population. According to Ethnologue, Spanish is the most spoken language in Mexico, with over 121 million speakers. Known as one of the six cradles of civilization, Mexico is rich in both culture and history. Mexico has about six million citizens who speak indigenous languages. Some 6% of immigrants speak Chinese (including Mandarin and Cantonese), 5% speak Hindi or a related language, 4% speak Filipino or Tagalog, 3% speak Vietnamese, 3% speak French and 2% speak Dravidian. The second most common language is Nahuatl, with 1.7 million speakers. What's The Definition Of A Cosmopolitan City? The top three languages spoken in Mexico are Spanish, followed by Nahuatl and Yucatec Maya. It is spoken today by about 100,000 people across Chiapas, Quintana Roo, and Campeche states. 60-80%. Triqui is kown by about 29,000 people from San Luis Potos, Pame, to Oaxaca, Zapotec. Allow all cookies to ensure you get the best user experience. 6061. A Spanish conquistador Hernn Cortz is mostly to blame. Mazatec linguistic group is mostly spoken in Oaxaca, while only one variant is spoken in Puebla. So, what language is spoken in Mexico? Nahuatl has more than 1.7 million speakers today. Mexico uses Spanish in most of its government proceedings, but it also recognizes 68 other national languages. It spread from town of Chalcatongo de Hidalgo, in Oaxaca. By speaking someones language you learn about them, their culture and their ideas. "Indigenous peoples disadvantaged socioeconomic status and the pressure of assimilation into mestizo society have been influential on indigenous language loss. For instance, the Mixtec are a single ethnicity and therefore count as a single language for governmental/legal purposes, but there are a dozen distinct Mixtec dialect regions, each of which includes at least one variety that is not mutually intelligible with those of the other dialect regions (Josserand, 1983), and Ethnologue counts 52 varieties of Mixtec that require separate literature. The Mexican government uses Spanish in the majority of its proceedings, however it recognizes 68 national languages, 63 of which are indigenous. Scope: population of the United States and Wisconsin. Amer. This website uses cookies for personalization, website traffic analysis, 3rd party tracking. We represent each language within black borders and then provide the numbers of native speakers (in millions) by country. The languages of the United Kingdom evolved some 2,000 years ago - a great mix of various words that were created, borrowed and handed down by the different tribes that occupied Britain through the course of its history. The number of speakers for the subsequent languages on the list of the most common native languages starts to fall off, which makes sense seeing as how many of them are endangered. It has three self-denominations and five variants. There are linguistic peculiarities across Spains different regions, as well as Latin American countries, which are largely quite different from each other. Mexico and Spain are separated by roughly 5,600 miles (9,000km). Are you interested in testing our corporate solutions? Ever heard a word in Nahuatl? Youll find French on menus and street signs here and there, thanks to colonization during Frances reign over Mexico. Breaking down the language barrier bridges cultural differences, fosters a world of inclusion and is a first step in helping to address humanitys challenges. Historical settlements of Zoque linguistic group are found in the Chiapas and Oaxaca. What Makes New York The World's Media Capital? Even though the Spanish language is the most widespread in Mexico, there are many other indigenous (native) languages spoken in the country to this day. [citation needed]. No surprise there. "Mexico: Distribution of languages in 2020." Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time. According to Ethnologue, an online database that catalogs the worlds languages, there are 364 other languages spoken in Mexico. Tlapaneca linguistic group belongs to the Oto-Manguean family, the closest to Tlapanec was Subtiaba, but it is now extinct.. Please create an employee account to be able to mark statistics as favorites. 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% Count # Texas Florida United States D.C. Georgia Maryland N Carolina Delaware Virginia Oklahoma Arkansas S Carolina Tennessee Louisiana Alabama Kentucky Mississippi West Virginia 29.5% 7.37M 1 20.9% 3.94M 2 13.1% 39.1M 8.8% 54.2k 3 . There is eastern and western Mazahua. The 23 languages make up the native tongue of 4.1 billion people. There are also small pockets of Chinese-speaking immigrants from Chinas Fujian province who live in Mexico City. There are at least 7,102 known languages alive in the world today. There are currently 423,216 speakers of this language in Mexico. Amer. One final difference between Mexican Spanish and Spanish has spoken in Spain and Latin America is the grammar. Spoken by over 66,000 people, Tojolabal is considered a language in itself, because it does not group with any other variant. . The actual number of indigenous languages spoken in Mexico is larger than 63, but the classification counts different dialects and variations as just one language. You are probably curious, considering the vast amount and diversity of local dialects, what are the top 3 languages spoken in Mexico? For example, the verb to read is leer in Spanish. Donec gravida mi a condimentum rutrum. The law shows Mexicos focus is now preservation. Linguistic variants, a.k.a. The subjunctive mood is used to express doubt, uncertainty, or desire. The government of Mexico uses Spanish in most official purposes, but in terms of legislation, its status is not that of an official primary language. This can be confusing for Spanish speakers, who are used to changing the verb to match the subject. Spanish, Nahuatl, and Yucatec Maya are the main languages spoken in Mexico. It belongs to the Totonac-Tepehua family. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. At the same time, legislators made no specific provisions for the official or legal status of the Spanish language. The most common Mexican dialects are Nahuatl, Mayan, and Pochutec. Follow her culinary and cultural experiences on Twitter. As far as second languages go, many educated Mexicans (and those with little education who have immigrated to the US and returned) have different degrees of fluency in English. The American Community Survey (ACS), conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, publishes detailed estimates on spoken language statistics in New Jersey each year . This tongue is spoken by about 240,000 natives. Uto-Aztecan languages: Tepiman branch: Ppago, Pima Bajo, Northern and Southern Tepehun Taracahita branch: Tarahumara, Guarijio language, Yaqui and Mayo Corachol branch: Cora and Huichol Nahuan branch: Nahuatl, Nahuan dialects Na-Dene languages: Lipan, Mezcalero, Chiricahua, Western Apache Language families with all known members in Mexico Despite over 68 national languages the Mexican government recognizes, the three most widely spoken languages include Spanish, Nahuatl, and Yucatec Maya. Huichol linguistic grouping belongs to the Yuto-Nahua family. The two most important indigenous languages are Nahuatl, which is spoken by over a million people in Central America and northern states like Hidalgo and Veracruz; and Maya, with about 2 million speakers in southern states like Chiapas and Yucatan. This means that Mexicans and LatAm people pronounce s,z,ce and ci the same. The Aztecs and the Mayans are the most commonly mentioned ones, but many other smaller tribes were living in Mexico before the country was colonized. This is where certified Spanish translation services will come in handy. You can also find Yucatec Mayan speakers in northern Belize. These include French, Chinese, Japanese, Portuguese, and German. In Mexico, it is widespread to use colloquial language in everyday conversation. Nahuatl has more than 1.7 million speakers today. Ranking Name Chart Spoken Spoken 1 English Only 239 2 Spanish 41 3 Chinese (including Mandarin, Cantonese, Hokkien and other 3.5 4 Tagalog (including Filipino) 1.7 5 Vietnamese 1.5 6 Arabic 1.2 7 French 1.2 8 Korean 1.1 Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. 2000 . This means that even though its not an official Mexican language, its very likely you will hear people speaking it while visiting Oaxaca City. Modernist ideologies viewed native languages with disdain, considering them backward and primitive. That is the second-largest group in the Americas after Peru. This law means that indigenous peoples can use their native language in communicating with government officials and request official documents in that language. By far and away the most spoken of Mexico's indigenous languages are Nhuatl (1.4 million speakers), Yucatec Maya (750,000 speakers) and Mixteco (500,000 speakers). languages spoken in mexico pie chart About 1.5 million people speak Nahuatl, 800,000 speak Yucatec Maya and less than one hundred people speak Lacandon. ", CIA, Mexico: Distribution of languages in 2020 Statista, (last visited January 18, 2023), Mexico: Distribution of languages in 2020 [Graph], CIA, March 29, 2022. This fate can affect unique cultures and traditions. G. G. Patthey-Chavez (1994). Naturally, given the proximity to the United States, it makes sense that English is spoken in Mexico. Over one hundred native dialects can be found within its borders, and countless others can be heard throughout Mexican communities abroad. Univ. There are 17 indigenous languages (plus an additional four international ones), corresponding to 23% of all Mexicans. In, CIA. The large majority of the population is monolingual in Spanish. In 1889, Antonio Garca Cubas estimated that 38% of Mexicans spoke an indigenous language, down from 60% in 1820. If you are an admin, please authenticate by logging in again. It gave each indigenous language equal status with Spanish. For example, Spanish in Spain uses the formal usted pronoun, while Mexican Spanish uses the informal tu pronoun. Spanish is the de facto national language spoken by the vast majority of Mexicans, though it is not defined as an official language in legislation. It is known by about 60,000 speakers. Wisconsin. The third most common language is Maya, with 1 million speakers. Spanish is the official language of Guatemala. Encyclopedia of Language and Education. Mexico: Distribution of languages in 2020 [Graph]. Copyright 2022 Lingoda All Rights Reserved, Mexican Spanish vs Spanish in Spain or Latin America, General Law of Linguistic Rights of the Indigenous People, Make 2023 your year of language wins with Lingoda, A simple guide to Spanish preterite tense. Both are spoken in Mexico and Michoacn. Margarita Hidalgo (ed.) RELIGIONS Catholic Church A 14. As a result, the subjunctive mood is often used in Spanish to express polite requests or wishes. 2006 .

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