Wastewater Treatment Plant in Mladá Boleslav
Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic
Year of completion:
Vodovody a kanalizace Mladá Boleslav a.s.
Project cost
313 million CZK
Design office:
Project description:
Combined mechanical and biological WWTP is used to treat sewage, industrial wastewater and stormwater runoffs from the urban areas of Mladá Boleslav and Kosmonosy and the Tiba textile mill in Josefův Důl.
The plant operation was started in 1996 by putting in operation the sewage treatment systems. The plant has a capacity of 108,633 population equivalent to enable further expansion of the northern urban areas of the city and its suburbs.
Mechanical and biological treatment plant; activated sludge system with nitrification to remove organic load and partially eliminate nitrogen and phosphorus.
Plant components:
- screw-type pump station, rough pre-treatment,
- grit chambers,
- overflow chamber,
- stormwater retention basin,
- primary clarifiers,
- activated-sludge basins,
- final clarifiers,
- effluent flow measurement unit,
- blower room,
- sludge thickeners,
- sludge treatment system with anaerobic stabilization and mechanical dewatering of sludge,
- gas holder with plantroom,
- heating plant,
- service building,
- workshops, storerooms, tanks.
Main technical data:
WW inflow rate (design value):
Qd: 30 624 m3/d
Q24: 354 l/s
Qmax.: 541 l/s
Qmin: 251 l/s
WW load (design value):
Population equivalent: 108 633 PE
BOD5: 6 518 kg/d
SS: 4744 kg/d
BOD5 removal efficiency: 94%
Quality of effluents (trial operation in 1995 – 96):
BOD5: 19,0 mg/l
CODCr: 63,0 mg/l
SS: 12,0 mg/l